Parents often turn to tutors to help their children with different subjects and activities, mainly academic subjects like math, language, and science. Whether any child is struggling with a topic or just wants extra guidance, tutors have always been available to mentor students after school. Even today, tutoring is still very popular, with options of both group sessions and one-on-one lessons available. But what makes tutoring effective? Why do people continue to seek it out? Let's explore the advantages and reasons behind it. 

Tutoring, regardless of its format, is very effective in providing support and assistance to learners.  Primarily, it gives students a chance to go over tricky subjects, learning from any mistakes they made before, and going over topics they didn’t quite understand. It also teaches them to do their schoolwork regularly, as well as improve their planning and time-management skills. Whether it's on zoom or in the library, having a set time and place helps keep attention. As students get better, they feel more confident in school, and their attitude toward learning becomes more positive.

Now that there are different types of tuition, they can be broadly categorized into two: group classes and personalized 1-on-1 tutoring. Which method, between group classes and personalized 1-on-1 tutoring, is the most effective for getting extra support and helping your child on their learning journey? Let's explore how both types of tuition operate!

Group tutoring:

Group tutoring is similar to school in that you learn with friends. In these study sessions, children can share ideas, ask questions, and figure out tricky concepts together. It's a collaborative way to make studying less confusing and more fun, and boost your child’s motivation to learn. Here are 5 benefits:

Engagement: Group learning keeps children engaged, simplifying concepts and promoting idea exchange.

Learning Together: In group tutoring, children learn not just from the tutor but also from peers, leveraging the social aspect for increased motivation.

Social Boost: Similar to us adults having a workout buddy, the social connection in group tutoring helps students persevere through challenging schoolwork.

Deepened Understanding: Facing schoolwork challenges together deepens understanding and enhances students' comprehension and resilience.

Motivation: It motivates children to make friends and socialize in the group tutoring environment. This camaraderie and healthy competition further motivates 

a woman and a girl in an one-on-one online tuition session

While group tutoring has its benefits, it's important to consider potential drawbacks:

Limited Individual Attention: In group settings, the tutor’s attention and the time available may be limited, making it challenging for each child to address their specific concerns.

Potential Distractions: The social aspect of group tutoring can sometimes lead to distractions, disturbing the focus on the material being covered.

Varying Learning Paces: Students may have different learning speeds, and in a group, it might be challenging for the tutor to cater to each child's pace adequately.

Confidentiality Concerns: Personalized challenges or learning difficulties may not be addressed confidentially in a group setting.

Dependency on Social Dynamics: While the social atmosphere can boost motivation, it might also create dependencies on the group dynamic, making it challenging for some children to study independently.

If you're stuck on the downsides of group tutoring, consider the alternative: 1-on-1 sessions. In these individual sessions, your child gets a mentor’s attention that is attuned to their specific learning needs. The tutor focuses only on one child at a time, going at a pace that suits them best. Plus, personal sessions create an environment where kids may not be so hesitant to openly tackle any learning challenges they're facing. Here are 6 solid reasons to consider 1-on-1 tutoring for your child:

  1. Increased Individual Attention: Private tutoring offers more individualized help compared to group tutoring, leading to improved outcomes and a better understanding of challenging subjects.
  2. Improved Self-Concept: Private tutoring boosts students' self-concept, i.e. your child’s belief about themselves, leading to lower dropout rates, reduced absenteeism, and fewer disciplinary incidents.

  1. Enhanced Motivation: Students who regularly attend private tutoring report greater self-confidence and increased motivation to read, demonstrating the positive impact of personalized support.

  1. Higher Attendance Rates: Private tutoring is associated with higher attendance rates, indicating a positive correlation between individualized assistance and students' commitment to learning.

  1. Reduced Dropout Incidents: Students benefiting from private tutoring experience lower dropout rates, emphasizing the importance of personalized guidance and 1-on-1 attention in preventing students from leaving their educational journey.

  1. Better Discipline Records: Those who receive private tutoring tend to have fewer disciplinary incidents, showcasing the positive influence of personalized support on student behavior and engagement.

Despite the few advantages that personalized 1-on-1 tutoring has over group tutoring, the choice depends on the individual child's learning style and the level of personalized guidance needed for understanding and improvement.

There are now numerous cost-effective services and online tutoring sites that provide more personalized tutoring options than ever before.

So, conduct a comprehensive analysis and see what suits your child's learning needs and preferences. Let’s make the choice for children’s better and happier learning!